14 Dec 2009


Hello everyone!

My name is Eva and i´m a girl from small country near the Baltic sea called Latvia (Letonia).

Right now i´m doing my EVS (European voluntery service) in CES Sta. Maria de los Angeles and it means that I will be living here in Malaga for 9 months (till the end of June 2010).

So if you want to meet me personaly and to know more about country I come from or just to talk with me and show some wonderfull places in Malaga, don´t hestitate to contact me or better come and meet me in the Departamento orientacíon. I will be just happy because it would be a posibility for you to practise your english and posibility for me to practise my spanish.

But there is something else I have to say to you. This blog is not gona be about me, of course I would be glad that it would be like that, but life is life. hehee. And you can never get every thing you want, but rember that it is worth trying. more and more... Ok. I will return to the things I wanted to say about the reasons why this blog was created:
Firstly, to inform you about the cultural activities that happens and will happen in Sta.Maria de los Angeles.
Secondly, to put a photos from those activities.
Thirdly, this is a space where you can comments, say your opinions and suggestions about cultural activities in Sta.M de los Angeles.

And I hope to meet you personaly.


p.s. If you have some ideas or you just want to say something, you can always post it here on this blog. A help is always needed!

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